Another successful Holiday Smile Cookie Campaign for local Tim Hortons shops.
Across Canada $10.7 million was raised from this year’s Holiday Smile Cookie Campaign. The proceeds raised will be split evenly Between Tim Hortons foundation camps, and more than 600 community groups and charities.
This year, between the 3 Campbell River Tim Hortons locations, the community helped raise just over $5000 for the Angel Tree Society.
Restaurants in the Comox Valley split their proceeds between Tim's foundation camps at YANA Comox Valley, You Are Not Alone.
It is a local non-profit society that provides accommodation and funding to Comox Valley families who need to travel outside the community for medical treatment for a child under 19 or for a pregnant mother.
The next Tim Horton’s Smile Cookie Campaign happens in the Spring.
To learn more, visit Tim Hortons.