Campbell River Council has sent a letter of support for a Nanaimo-based non-profit which distributes food for those in need across Vancouver Island.
Loaves and Fishes Community Food Bank was selected by Food Banks BC to become the national food sharing distribution hub for Vancouver Island.
Council approved a motion put forth by Councillor Tanille Johnston at last week’s meeting to send a letter of support to the federal ministers of housing and agriculture, along with the Prime Minister’s Office.
The letter will express Council’s support for Loaves and Fishes’ application to the federal government for $7.2 million in funding to establish the food recovery and distribution centre in Nanaimo - the centre would serve communities across Vancouver Island.
Supported by a $7-million contribution by the Province toward the cost of building the warehouse, and a 30-year lease for the land from the City of Nanaimo for $10, the new warehouse will expand Loaves and Fishes’ food collection and distribution capacity.
Distribution will run from Ladysmith to Port Alberni to Comox and up to Port Hardy.
The expanded services and infrastructure is intended to provide reliable access to food, while dramatically reducing food waste in the region.
Loaves and Fishes Community Food Bank started food collection in 2012 and has continued to grow every year.
The collected food is sorted by staff and a team of over 200 volunteers per month.
Food unfit for people is directed to farmers for livestock and compost.
Last year, Loaves and Fishes delivered more than 357-thousand kilograms of food to families across Vancouver Island.