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Campbell River And North Island Labour Market Partnership Project

Friday, March 17, 2023 at 8:09 AM

By Jay Herrington

(PHOTO City of Campbell River - Local Government Facebook)

The City of Campbell River (the City), Regional District of Mount Waddington (RDMW) and Strathcona Regional District (SRD) have launched a Labour Market Partnership project that looks to conduct a  study of Campbell River and the North Island and to prepare a strategy to address priority needs.

City and district officials say labour market challenges remain a pressing, ongoing concern in urban and rural and remote communities in Campbell River and Vancouver Island North, where the economic landscape is shifting rapidly due to factors such as policy and regulatory changes, evolving economic drivers and global events, placing additional pressure on regional labour markets and impacting businesses.

The joint project aims to update existing data, improve understanding of labour market issues, trends and opportunities, and support the development of action plans.

“Growth, collaboration and cultivating a healthy and safe community are three of Council’s five strategic priorities for our term in office,” says City of Campbell River Mayor, Kermit Dahl.

“The labour market partnership supports all of these priorities and is a vital investment in the physical, mental, and economic health of our communities. By working together, we can get the data needed to inform our decisions and help us thrive.”

Activities will include producing an updated labour market report and undertaking several initiatives to attract healthcare professionals.

Key focus areas will be the regional health and wellness, aquaculture, forest, and tourism sectors.

The three say they formed the partnership because their economies are linked; recent events have impacted industries in all three areas; and the regions are experiencing similar challenges with workforce retention and attraction.

SRD Board Chair Mark Baker says the communities are all stronger when they work together.

Read the full news release at www.campbellriver.ca/news.

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Keeping Our Word


The word "éy7á7juuthem" means “Language of our People” and is the ancestral tongue of the Homalco, Tla’amin, Klahoose and K’ómoks First Nations, with dialectic differences in each community.

It is pronounced "eye-ya-jooth-hem."